The Goodstock Deck 7.75" in Red is a Resin-7 hard rock maple complete skateboard with full concave.Features a matte finish with wood knock-out logo.
Skateboard Decks Globe G1 Act Now 8.0" Moutarde | Peru-723519
Skateboard Decks Globe G2 Parallel 8.0" Blancas | Peru-172943
Skateboard Decks Globe G1 Stack 8.0" Multicolor | Peru-245683
Skateboard Decks Globe G1 Stack 8.125" Rojas | Peru-146327
Skateboard Decks Globe G2 8.25" Ramones Negras | Peru-936805
Skateboard Decks Globe Goodstock 8.0" Blancas | Peru-716908
Skateboard Decks Globe Shooter 8.6" Amarillo | Peru-329687
Skateboard Decks Globe G1 Moonshine 8.125" Naranjas | Peru-092581
Skateboard Decks Globe Goodstock 8.0" Verde | Peru-534872
Skateboard Decks Globe G1 Lineform 8.25" Marrones | Peru-831562